Frosting is Magic: Perspective is powerful!

Leann Stickel • Dec 12, 2020

Frosting is amazing!

There are a handful of people that just scrape it off and eat the dry cake, but I am not one of those people. I am one of the people that look for the biggest iced flower or the thickest ribbon their husband piped on to the top of the cake.

I love frosting.

Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms

When I was first diagnosed, one of my most annoying MS symptoms was my numb left side. My hand bothered me so much and I would rub my left fingers together. When I would do that, it would cause me to look down at my hand. It was a constant reminder of a new reality that I was so sad about. Talk about a downer.

Now before I go any further, I should confess that I am a watch addict. I love watches…. I love cute ones…. I like fun ones…. I like plain ones….I like bright ones… I like cheap ones…. I like expensive ones, and because of that I have quite a collection.

So back to looking down at my left hand, I would be annoyed looking down at my left hand because it was tingling and bothering me and before long my cute watch would catch my eye. I would think to myself, man am I glad that I bought that watch. It is so cute. Wow, I am lucky to have this watch. It wasn't very long and I started calling my watch “my frosting”.

That is where my theory was born.

 Life can 100% be like dry cake. Dry cake was not the plan. It is not what we wanted or hoped for or expected, but when we get bad news, when our life goes another direction, when the future that we had pictured is changed, I believe that life is like dry crummy cake.

Chronic Illness

So many things related to health problems cannot be changed . We cannot go back and reboot and reset and redo. We have to move forward, we have to look forward, and we have to make peace with our new reality . In other words the cake is the cake. You get what you get. It just is what it is. We've all made a cake that wasn't amazing, moist or as tasty as we had hoped.

So we looked to the frosting to rescue us. Can the cake still be enjoyable? Can I rescue this flop of a recipe? The answer is absolutely for sure 100% yes! Now depending on how bad the cake is, the layer of frosting might have to be really thick, but it is still effective. In other words, when life is really stinky , not what we chose, super tough, we have to figure out a way to still enjoy our days. That's where frosting comes in.

Perspective Examples

 So, like my watch, there is a lot of figurative frosting. I always challenge people to look for things that make their days sweet. It could be the sunshine, healthy kids, new running shoes, the list goes on and on. It really is a perspective tool. The power of how we look at things is real. This is my favorite example of perspective and how much it can change our outlook.

Remember, frosting can be anything that makes you smile, makes you pause and appreciate what you have, takes your mind off of the crummy and actually gets you to a place that you can say you had an enjoyable day.  All the things that make your days sweeter. 

Do you think you will try this? Join me on Instagram and share your frosting with #frostingfridays -- it's a way to notice and celebrate all those good things!



By Leann Stickel 11 Nov, 2020
When I was diagnosed with MS in 2009, my 4 loudest symptoms were numbness, muscle twitching, balance issue, and fatigue. I classify the first 3 symptoms as sensory. It took awhile but I did acclimate to the new feelings. In the beginning, I would rub my left hand and look down at it constantly. It was always reminding me of my new reality. It was a wonderful day when I realized I had not wasted a lot of time annoyed at these symptoms. I am pretty sure the very next day I was annoyed again…but alas.
By Leann Stickel 02 Sep, 2020
Okay, so do you think that you can learn to be positive OR do you think that it is a personality trait that is determined at birth or by your parents or by the way you were raised? I think that all of those thoughts and assumptions are very common. Many people would agree that that is how they see being positive. I believe that I was born positive.
By Leann Stickel 23 May, 2020
When you look at the list of higher risk people and see your disease listed, it’s sobering. I’m not in a relapse. My disease is totally invisible. I am 10 years post diagnosis and I still surprise people with the fact that I have MS. It makes me happy because, even though I know that I am not beating the disease, I’m thrilled with every day it isn’t progressing. I feel fine. Mostly. I do not have a cold or any other virus. I take a nap everyday to manage my fatigue. My symptoms come and go…but that is nothing new.
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