Surprise! You have MS!

Leann Stickel • May 16, 2020

I remember the summer of 2009 was a beautiful one in Illinois, and I spent it enjoying my four kiddos. They were 1, 2 1/2, 4 and almost 6. My whole life I had wanted to be a mom and thankfully we had been given 4 healthy, beautiful children. 

Busy was the name of my game, and so a tingly, slightly numb left hand wasn’t something that could slow me down. I’ve been carrying at least one sweet baby around for the last six years, and I just assumed I had a pinched nerve in my shoulder that was giving me trouble.

After several months of this symptom, I made an appointment with my family doctor.

At the time our health insurance was an HMO, which requires a referral to go to a specialist. I was convinced I just need to see a chiropractor and get an adjustment, and my left side will be good as new. 

Thank goodness my family doctor was very conservative and didn’t totally agree with my plan. He sent me to a neurologist instead.

At the time I thought it was overkill and a major annoyance to have more appointments to fuss with. 

The neurologist did a physical exam and then sent me for a MRI.

On October 23, 2009, I went to the doctor to learn the results of the MRI. My husband offered to go, but I was optimistic. I encouraged him to not jam up his schedule for this silly appointment.

When she said I had Multiple Sclerosis all I could think of was a wheelchair.

I’ve often thought we should be thankful for all the things we don’t know about because, we’ve been saved from having to deal with them. I never suspected I could have MS, and I knew almost nothing about the disease.

My unawareness made this day so scary. 

Would we have to sell the three-story house we’d built and move to an accessible ranch? How on earth would I keep up with my sweet children?

For six weeks after my diagnosis, I mourned as the future I had once pictured. Now my future included a chronic illness that would affect my family in who knows how big a way.

After realizing that a pity party is the least fun party to host, I decided to focus on fitness and fight back against this auto-immune disease that I was learning about. Fitness was something I could control, and I decided if I can run today, it’s more likely I’d be able to run tomorrow.

I signed up for my first triathlon and pushed back against my disease. It’s been almost 10 years, and my theory on activity hasn’t changed. In fact, it has served me well. As I’ve learned so much more about MS, I realized there are as many stories as there are patients, and I could have some say in writing mine.


I cope with MS by educating, connecting with other patients, cheering for others with MS and advocating for myself. Though my kids can outrun me now, we are all signed up to do a 5k together. 

I haven’t had to sell my house. I love the advice another patient gave me that first month – think about the worst case scenario, make a plan for how to deal with it, and then move on and don’t dwell on that version of your future. I’ve shared that a zillion times.


Have a plan. Be a warrior, not a worrier.



By Leann Stickel 12 Dec, 2020
There are a handful of people that just scrape it off and eat the dry cake, but I am not one of those people. I am one of the people that look for the biggest iced flower or the thickest ribbon their husband piped on to the top of the cake. I love frosting.
By Leann Stickel 11 Nov, 2020
When I was diagnosed with MS in 2009, my 4 loudest symptoms were numbness, muscle twitching, balance issue, and fatigue. I classify the first 3 symptoms as sensory. It took awhile but I did acclimate to the new feelings. In the beginning, I would rub my left hand and look down at it constantly. It was always reminding me of my new reality. It was a wonderful day when I realized I had not wasted a lot of time annoyed at these symptoms. I am pretty sure the very next day I was annoyed again…but alas.
By Leann Stickel 02 Sep, 2020
Okay, so do you think that you can learn to be positive OR do you think that it is a personality trait that is determined at birth or by your parents or by the way you were raised? I think that all of those thoughts and assumptions are very common. Many people would agree that that is how they see being positive. I believe that I was born positive.
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